Opportunity America is a Washington think tank and policy shop promoting economic mobility – work, skills, careers, entrepreneurship and inclusion.
Among the most potent issues in contemporary politics are income inequality and the distribution of wealth. It’s a message that works politically, but it’s the wrong diagnosis. The American Dream doesn’t promise income equality. What it promises is opportunity and upward mobility.
Restoring robust upward mobility is among the most urgent challenges facing the nation today. Failing to get the answer right will undermine our competitiveness – and our core ideals.
What’s needed is a new conversation: a new vocabulary, new voices from new places on the political spectrum, a new broader climate of concern and ultimately a new national push to enhance opportunity.
Opportunity America is devoted to filling this gap, funneling ideas into the policy process and building consensus around a new agenda.
The organization’s principal activities: highlighting the need for a bolder opportunity agenda, developing policy proposals, driving new ideas on Capitol Hill, lifting up successful state initiatives and encouraging engagement by civil society, including employers.