As the nation emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic and millions of Americans sought new skills to adjust to a changing labor market, a survey fielded by Opportunity America, Lumina Foundation and Wilder Research explored the role of community colleges in providing job-focused education and training.
All of the nation’s community and technical colleges were invited to participate, and 477 institutions took part, for a 38 percent response rate.

Dallas Federal Reserve Bank Southwest Economy, third quarter 2021
Wall Street Journal, 9-23-2021
Public News Service, 9-20-2021
Inside Higher Ed, 9-16-2021
Public News Service, 9-15-2021
WorkingNation, 9-15-2021
Spotlight on Poverty & Opportunity, 1-27-21
American Association of Community Colleges Community College Daily, 1-13-21
Association of Community College Trustees ACCT Now, 1-11-21
California Public News Service, 12-15-20
Oregon Public News Service, 12-10-20
Virginia Public News Service, 12-7-20
WorkingNation, 11-21-20
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Opportunity America community college survey George Washington University Nondegree Credential Research Network, 12-1-21
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Opportunity America community college survey Advance CTE, 11-2-21
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Noncredit workforce education: Using data to drive innovation Opportunity America, 9-28-21
The indispensable institution: Taking the measure of community college workforce education Opportunity America, 9-14-21
Community college workforce education survey National Coalition of Certification Centers, 7-14-21
Opportunity America community college survey JFF Horizons, 6-15-21
How community colleges stay abreast of a changing workplace Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, 5-21-21
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